Thank you for choosing to park at Streatleigh Court.
To begin please enter your name and agree to the terms and conditions in order to proceed. The cost is £150 per month.
Parking in Streatham
Thank you for choosing to park at Streatleigh Court.
To begin please enter your name and agree to the terms and conditions in order to proceed. The cost is £150 per month.
These terms will apply, in respect of the above area of land, where a payment is received by an Applicant and credited to the account of Kingley Properties Limited, ( the Grantor ).
1. The Applicant will be issued with means to enable access to the land at the rear of Streatleigh Court, and a Permit, which must be displayed at all times on the windscreen of the Applicants vehicle, with details of that vehicles registration number and period from which the Permit is valid.
2. The Permit will entitle the Applicant to park on the land belonging to the Grantor, subject to the terms and conditions herein contained.
3. The minimum period for which a Permit will be issued is three calendar months. The Applicant, on acceptance of these terms, will be liable for payment for this minimum period, and on a monthly basis thereafter.
1. A limited number of Permits will be issued, in particular, to ensure there is proper access to garages. However no particular space will be allocated in respect of use for individual permits.
5. The Grantor will put in place controls to discourage illegal use of its land which may affect the Applicants lawful use. Regrettably, there has been previous abuse of the rights to park and general use of the Grantors land. The Grantor cannot accept responsibility should non-authorised vehicles affect the Applicants use.
6. The Grantor will endeavour to ensure the proper use of its land for the benefit of authorised parties and is reserves the right to terminate this agreement, at its discretion, at any time, with immediate effect, having provided notice to the Applicants email address.
7. Should the Grantor, exercise its rights under para. 6 above, and this Agreement be terminated at any time, before the end of the three month period, or during any subsequent monthly period, the Applicant will be entitled to an appropriate refund.
8. The security gate is accessed by means of a code allowing access to the Grantors land. Optionally, Applicants May purchase a fob which will allow wireless access enabling the gate to be operated remotely. Should the Applicant require this facility a fob can be purchased at the prevailing rate, currently £75.
9. Should the Applicant wish to cancel this arrangement notice will be required no less than seven days prior to the next monthly payment date.
10. In the event, for whatever reason, there be a change to the code enabling remote access using a fob, the Grantor shall not be held responsibly for any loss or damage thereby occasioned, including the expense of issuing an alternative fob.
11. The Applicant will be expected to use proper care in its use of the Grantors land and, in particular, is requested to respect access to garages in use. The Grantor cannot be responsible for any loss or damage suffered by the Applicant for any reason whatsoever.